вторник, 9 апреля 2013 г.

International Conference “The History of Perestroika in Central Asia”

International Conference “The History of Perestroika in Central Asia”
30 May – 1 June 2013, Bishkek

hosted by Aigine Cultural-Research Center

Dr. Irina Morozova (Seminar for Central Asian Studies, Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany)

The conference aims to shed a critical light at the processes of academic knowledge production on the history of late socialism and perestroika in Central and Inner Asia. The process of institutionalisation of Central Asia-focused research in the social sciences and humanities started in the 1980s with the launch of perestroika in the USSR and the Mongolian People’s Republic. The re-conceptualisation of socialist legacies and the systemic change of the late 1980s - beginning of the 1990s had a tremendous impact upon the way academic understanding of the region is now shaped. The conference will bring together international scholars actively engaged in researching late socialist Central and Inner Asia.
Our knowledge of socio-political developments, communal life, identities and religion in late socialist Central and Inner Asia has been greatly influenced by conventional approaches on the causes of socialism’s deconstruction, which are still reflected in people's attitudes towards the reform. The ideological trends, which resurfaced with perestroika, have been determined by the course of social transformation and complex inter-dependencies of various international and transregional actors. The conference is organised by the international group of scholars, pursuing a comparative analysis of the social groups’ transformation, socio-political dynamics and reform during perestroika, the status of different elites vis-à-vis Moscow and particularities in cultural and religious institutions and identities in Central and Inner Asia before and after the USSR’s and CMEA’s disintegration.

Conference Programme (tentative)

Conference languages: Russian and English (professional simultaneous translation is provided)

30 May, Thursday

13:30-13:45 – Welcoming addresses

13:45-15:45 – Podium discussion “Perestroika in Central Asia within the international change of the last decade of the 20th century” with Mattias Middell, Andrei Fursov, Udo Steinbach, Ishembai Abdurazakov. Moderation: Irina Morozova.
15:45-16:15 – coffee break

16:15-18:15 – First Session “Political economy of perestroika and reform vis-à-vis Moscow”
Chair: Udo Barkmann

Salavat Iskhakov “The CPSU Central Committee’ Politburo policies towards the central republican nomenklatura of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan: configurations of centre-periphery relations in 1982-1991”

Tolganai Umbetalieva “Particularities of the KazSSR nomenklatura”

Timur Dadabaev “From Economic Reforms to the Politics of “Perestroika”: Retrospectives of Expectations and Everyday Life in Central Asia“
Turar Koichuev “Economy in the USSR and the KirSSR at the times of perestroika: hopes and disappointments”

Discussant: Petra Stykow

19:00 – 21:00 – dinner

31 May, Friday
9:00 – 10:30 – Second Session “Ground waters of perestroika worldwide”

Chair: Petra Stykow

Jean-Robert Raviot “Ecology and Nationalism in the Perestroika Years: “Restoring National Heritage” and “Struggling Against Soviet Industrial Colonialism””

Andrei Chebotarev, “Independent (alternative) public-political activities in Soviet Kazakhstan (1985-1991): the history of development and institutionalisation"

Elena Zimovina “Transformation of ethno-demographic structure of Kazakhstan in the context of perestroika processes: republican trends and regional particularities”

Discussant: Melanie Arndt

10:45 – 12:15 – Keynote lecture Nancy Ries “Glasnost' and Perestroika: Mourning the Past, Stealing the Future”

14:15 – 15:45 – Third Session “Perestroika contexts reflected in memories and biographies”
Chair: Nancy Ries

Yuki Konagaya and Maqsooda Shiotani “Mongolian Women’s Life Trajectories influenced by Perestroika”

Sophie Roche “Islam and Perestroika in the lives of selected intellectuals of Central Asia”

Emil and Nail Nasritdinovs “Soviet Rock with Asian face: Viktor Tsoi in Central Asia”

Discussant: Serguei Oushakine

16:00 – 17:30 – Fourth Session “Perestroika discourses and their transmitters: academia, literature and literature criticism, journals and other media”
Chair: John Schoeberlein

Aftandil Erkinov “The literature journal “Literaturnyi Uzbekistan” at the times of perestroika”

Ainura Turgangazieva “Characteristics of perestroika discourses in Kyrgyzstani literature journals: “Ala-Too” and “Literaturnyi Kyrgyzstan”
Gulnara Aitpaeva “Kyrgyz literature of Perestroika time: anticipating the 21st century”

Discussant: Svetlana Jacquesson

18:00 – 20:00 – dinner and the evening of reminiscences about perestroika “Epitaphic of the Epoch” with Emil Shukurov, Aleksandr Ivanov, Svetlana Suslova, Vyacheslav Shapovalov.

1 June, Saturday
9:30 – 11:00 – Fifth Session “The role of the party in drafting official history narrative and social policies at perestroika times: the case of Mongolia”
Chair: Andrei Fursov

Udo Barkmann “The Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party in 1985-1990: balancing between the party, parliament and executives”

Jigjidijn Boldbaatar “Perestroika in Mongolia and re-discovering concepts on nation and history”

Enkhbaatar Munkhsaruul “Collectivisation of cattle in Mongolia, 1990-1992 (on the question of economic history of perestroika in Mongolia)”
Discussant: Irina Morozova

11:15 – 12:45 – Sixth Session “Central Asian societies at the times of perestroika in comparative perspective: why and what we compare”
Chair: Matthias Middell

Sergei Abashin “Soviet “theory of ethnos”: inevitability of the USSR’s disintegration?”

Ablet Kamalov “Through whose eyes to look at recent history: on the transformation of the Uyghurs’ communities in Central Asia in the 1980s”

Irina Morozova “Comparing social transformation of late socialist societies in Central Asia at the time of structural and systemic crisis: on the problem of objective criteria for comparison”

Discussant: John Schoeberlein

14:15 – 15:15 – concluding remarks

For any enquiry, also for attending the Conference as an observer, please, contact the organisers: Irina Morozova (irina.morozova@asa.hu-berlin.de), Gulnara Aitpaeva (aitgul@yahoo.com) and Ainura Turgangazieva (ainura@aigine.kg)

The project “The History of Perestroika in Central Asia (social transformation in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia, 1982-1991)”, sponsored by Volkswagen Foundation, investigates the adaptive strategies of social groups in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia during perestroika in a broader socio-cultural context and seeks to explain how the newly introduced ideological trends and cultural ideas impacted on social groups and personalities. The project follows a genuinely comparative approach and aims to distinguish the similarities, differences and specifics of patterns of social consolidation in the three societies. The study begins chronologically at the end of Brezhnev's era in 1982 and Tsedenbal's long rule in Mongolia in 1984 and continues up to the dissolution of the USSR and CMEA in 1991. The project is carried out by an international research team that includes senior and junior researchers from Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia; the senior scholars supervise selected doctoral students, who write their PhD theses in the framework of the project at their home institutions.

For more information on the project, please, visit the website of the Seminar for Central Asian Studies, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University in Berlin: http://www2.hu-berlin.de/zentralasien/index-en.php?section=perestroika_en

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