понедельник, 3 декабря 2012 г.

Constructing the “Soviet”? Political Consciousness, Everyday Practices, and New Identities

The European University at Saint Petersburg
April 19 – 20, 2013
7th Annual Conference
Constructing the “Soviet”? Political Consciousness, Everyday Practices, and New Identities

Since 2007 the conference «Constructing the “Soviet”? Political Consciousness, Everyday Practices, New Identities» has been held annually upon the students’ initiative in the European University at Saint Petersburg.

The mission of the event is to provide an international discussion of the problems of the Soviet history, to develop the academic connections and to find new methods and approaches. The conference gives to young scholars from Russia and abroad an opportunity to discuss different aspects of Soviet everyday life, politics, economics and art; to receive comments of well-known academics: anthropologists, historians, sociologists and philologists on their research.

At the conference in April 2013 we would like to discuss inter alia the following topics:

- The Soviet economic system: beyond the effectiveness? Plan and competition. The Second economy.
- War and society: the phenomenon of the “Soviet” in the context of the Great Patriotic (World War II) and Cold Wars. Military and “peaceful” hardware and technology.
- Postwar repressions. The fight with dissidence.
- The Soviet childhood: Utopia and reality. Pedagogical theories. Toys and games.
- The foreigners in the USSR and Soviet people abroad. Migration, tourism, espionage. The image of “The Other”.
- Social, political and cultural boarders: the history of Soviet concepts and practices .
- The language of the official soviet art: from socialist realism to deideologization.
- Memory and oblivion of the “Soviet”.

We invite undergraduate and PhD students specializing in the humanities and social sciences to send us their short papers to participate in the conference. No remote participation is possible. The conference languages are Russian and English.

A collected volume will be published by the beginning of the conference. The programs and volumes from previous years are available at: www.eu.spb.ru/history/projects/constructing-the-soviet

Requirements for the short papers: no more than 15 000 characters (including spaces and footnotes); MS Word (versions 1997 – to 2003), automatic footnotes. Please also include your contact information, university, department and year of education.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: March 1, 2013 at: constructing2013@gmail.com
The European university at St. Petersburg can cover transportation and accommodation costs for a few participants.

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