пятница, 30 ноября 2012 г.

Humanities Initiative Fellowships at CEU/CEU IAS

Call for Applications
for Humanities Initiative Fellowships at CEU/CEU IAS
Deadline for application: January 15, 2013

The Central European University (CEU) seeks to develop its teaching and research profile in the area of the Humanities. To this end, CEU and the CEU Institute for Advanced Study (CEU IAS) announce a call for applications for its Humanities Initiative Fellowship, a joint research/ teaching program for the academic year 2013/14. Humanities Initiative Fellows are expected to spend the 10-month academic year in Budapest. They are expected to work on their own research project as junior fellows at the Institute for Advanced Study in two of the semesters and teach 4 credits worth of courses at the university in one semester (preferably Fall, but may be in the Winter). All through the year we hope fellows will find creative ways in which themes in the humanities may be introduced at the CEU, they will cooperate with existing programs and develop research and teaching opportunities with CEU and CEU IAS colleagues.

• PhD in hand by the starting of the fellowship, September 1, 2013 in any area of the humanities, broadly understood (including history, art, art history, literature, classics, linguistics, philosophy, religion)
• Preference will be given to applicants who work in areas where CEU has no current expertise. Further preference is given to those who can demonstrate a promising connection to one of CEU’s existing programs, either in the social sciences or in the humanities.
• No visiting or teaching position at CEU since September 2007.

Terms and conditions:
This is a junior fellowship. The remuneration includes accommodation at the Wallenberg Guesthouse (https://www.ceu.hu/guesthouse) for the entire 10 months and a net stipend/salary of 1,500 Euros per month (15,000 Euros total). We do not cover travel costs, utilities bills in the Guesthouse, or the cost of health insurance in Budapest.

Fellows are expected to be in residence in Budapest and participate actively in the life of the IAS including its weekly seminar/luncheon as well as a handful of social events scattered throughout the year. For more information, see: http://ias.ceu.hu/Life and visit our Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/ceuias

In the Fall or Winter semesters in addition to participating in the life of the Institute, fellows are expected to teach a 12-week, 4-credit course or two 2-credit courses. In the other two semesters (normally Winter and Spring) fellows pursue their research without teaching obligations but will be expected to continue their cooperation with CEU students/ faculty.

How to apply:
The following material should be submitted electronically to this address: humanities2013@ceu.hu. Inquiries should also be sent here.
The deadline for application is January 15, 2013.
You may apply for this fellowship even if you have already submitted an application for one of the core fellowships at CEU IAS. You will first be considered for the core fellowship, unless you request otherwise. This is a separate call, so please send all the required material to the address specified above.

Application material to be submitted:
- The application form (download at the bottom of the page).
- A short description of your research project (max 1,000 words, which does not include references)
- An abstract of a research project (max 150 words).
- A CV including your most important publications and a list of courses taught in the past 5 years (max 2,000 words)
- A recommendation letter sent directly to the address above.
- A cover letter of no more than 1,000 words in which you describe what courses you propose to teach and what kinds of connections you envision between your research and teaching agenda and faculty/ departments/ research groups at the CEU.

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